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From $329 per person

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The Level 1 Sports Trainer course equips participants with essential skills to ensure safety in sports environments.  The course is ideal for club volunteers, coaches, and sports enthusiasts. It covers key areas such as injury prevention techniques, immediate care strategies, and concussion management protocols, making it a valuable asset for anyone involved in sports.

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid is a pre-requisite requirement for this course.

If you do not hold a current HLTAID011 Provide First Aid certificate, enrolling into the SISSS00118  Sports Trainer Level 1 Skill Set is recommended, as First Aid is included in this course.

Units Delivered

The following units will be included in your certificate:

SISSSCO015 - Prepare participants for sport competition
SISSSPT001 - Implement sport injury prevention and management strategies

Course Delivery

This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.

Course Durations

Course durations can vary for multiple reasons, so the durations below are the minimum possible amount.

Face-to-Face Face to Face contact time of at least 10 Hours
Online with face-to-face assessment Face to Face contact time of at least 2 Hours

An individual enrolling in this course with Allens Training Pty Ltd must demonstrate the following criteria to be eligible for entry:

•    The unit requires foundational skills such as reading, oral communication, numeracy, problem-solving, and self-management.  

•    Physical capability to be able to meet the demands of the practical demonstration skills

•    Wearing appropriate attire to allow demonstration of different taping techniques

  • You are required to hold a current HLTAID011 Provide First Aid certificate

Individuals undertaking this course will be expected to complete both written and practical assessment tasks.

The units have the following recommended renewal periods:
Unit Period
SISSSCO015 - Prepare participants for sport competition Not applicable
SISSSPT001 - Implement sport injury prevention and management strategies Not applicable

Please note that enrolment to this course is made with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Please refer to the student handbook located on the RTO website ( for all details relating to rights and responsibilities including complaints and appeals.

Performance tasks and practical scenarios:

  • Planning and preparing a participant for sport competition
  • Supporting a participant in a sport competition
  • Reflecting on preparing participant for a sport competition
  • Implement sport injury prevention and management strategies for injuries, illness, and medical condition
  • Sports taping

Theory assessment: A written assessment consisting of multiple-choice and short answer questions.

This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909